It’s also packed with features, including some significant additions in the latest update.

Its interface, though complex for beginners, isn’t difficult to learn and has a lot of functionality. When it comes to editing software aimed at a consumer market, Pinnacle Studio 24 is one of the most impressive options.

While high-end software like Premiere Pro has had this feature for a while, this level of keyframe manipulation in a more mid-range application is impressive. You can also now select and move multiple keyframes simultaneously, maintaining the distance between them, which saves a lot of time compared to the fiddly job of moving each separately. You can also use them for time remapping of clips, to achieve smooth speeding up or down. You can use keyframes to adjust over time the positioning, scale, and rotation of video elements, and to alter transitions and effects. Pinnacle Studio 24 has significantly expanded the number of situations in which you can use them.

Keyframes are vital to fine-tuning effects and adjustments applied to video clips. You can select and move multiple keyframes together (Image credit: Pinnacle Systems)